Chickens! Pea Brained or Secretly Planning World Domination?

When most people think of chickens, they probably envision a farm animal that spends its days wandering around a coop or a yard, pecking at feed and laying eggs. However, recent research has shown that chickens are much smarter than many people give them credit for.

For starters, chickens have excellent memories. They are able to remember the faces of over 100 other chickens, as well as humans, and they are able to distinguish between friendly and unfriendly faces. This means that if you have ever had an encounter with a chicken, it is likely that it remembers you!

Chickens are also able to solve problems and use tools. In one study, chickens were able to figure out how to operate a lever to release food. In another study, chickens were able to use a stick to reach a treat that was out of reach. These types of problem-solving skills are impressive, especially for an animal that is often seen as simple and unintelligent.

Another surprising fact about chickens is that they have distinct personalities. Just like humans, chickens have unique personalities that can range from bold and adventurous to shy and timid. They also have preferences when it comes to food, toys, and even other chickens. Some chickens are more social than others and prefer to spend time with their flock mates, while others prefer to be alone.

Chickens also have a complex communication system. They use a variety of vocalizations to communicate with each other, including clucks, purrs, and crows. They are able to distinguish between different types of calls, and they can even understand the meaning behind certain vocalizations. For example, chickens have been shown to become anxious when they hear a warning call from another chicken.

Overall, the evidence shows that chickens are much smarter than most people give them credit for. They have impressive problem-solving skills, unique personalities, and complex communication systems. So the next time you see a chicken wandering around a coop or a yard, remember that there is much more going on in that little brain than meets the eye.

Focus Where Did You Go????

I have a tendency to think up my blog posts at 4am, plan them completely out in my head while in my insomniatic state and then just as I’m about to give up on sleep and get up to write said post I mysteriously fall asleep losing all that data in my head by the time I re-awake. It’s very frustrating.

It’s been almost FOUR months since my last published post though a zillion have been whipped out in my head. I’m really struggling with that whole FOCUS thing I picked as my mantra word for the year. Partly proof it needs to be my word and partly frustrated with self for not adhering to it more.

I’ve felt a little lost this year. I knew at the end of last that a job I love was coming to an end and that I had to have a place to focus that energy. Knowing I need to and doing so haven’t been meeting up with each other though. My beloved job is down to a minimum now and will end completely in the next couple of months. My heart is taking it harder than my brain was prepared for. But I think I’m finally starting to come out the other side.

In spite of my brain having made plans for this inevitability the rest of me has not been willing to get on board. Oh I started off all gungho, all mind over matter, all you got this girl. And then quickly fizzed right out.

I don’t think I gave myself credit for how hard this drastic shift in my professional life this going to be emotionally. I mean I love my job and all but it’s a job, a means to an end. Life is a lot more than any one job right???? I’m surprised by how much of my self esteem is wrapped up in my job. I actually think it’s more than the word “job” though. I think it’s about the feeling of contributing something valuable and measurable.

And I think I’m on to something here. The word measurable. How powerful that word is. How many of us have been on some diet over the years only to not see a “measurable” change on the scale, get frustrated and quit??? Why do we put so much into the word “measurable” and who determines the measurement anyway? You, your family, your friends, society at large? Who is measuring you? Why do we feel the need to “measure up” or assume we’ve failed?

For me, losing that easy measurement of feeling like a contributor; to my clients, to myself, to my household – total knockout punch I didn’t see coming.

When you’re making up your own goals and say – blogging – who’s measuring your achievements? You? Um ya, so if you skip it for a week, and then a month, and then two… Who’s going to fire you, hold you accountable, or even notice? Oh ya, that’s right YOU are. And you’re going to feel like you don’t “measure up” and bring on the self doubt, the feeling of failing yourself, the ughhhh of it all.

I don’t think blogging is for me. I’ve tried a lot and my brain is littered with information I’d love to get out of me and share but I’ve tried here and there for years without consistency. I think I need to admit to myself that I need something with more measurability from some sort of outside force.

I may have found someplace to focus my energy that brings me what I need. We shall see in the coming months.

Meanwhile, if you are one of the few people who ever reads this… How do you stay motivated? Is your sense of self achievement tied to “measurability”? Maybe you are one who can measure on your own and not need outside confirmation? If so please share your thoughts.

Task Lists!!!

Today we’re talking task mastery. As if there were such a thing. I love task lists. I make them. I lose them. I start new ones. I write things on them I’ve already done just so I can check them off. I get bored with them and drop off the map for extended periods of time. It’s a problem!

I know they work. I’ve tried nearly every type of memo pad, post-it, and app known to woman. All work if used all don’t if not used. Some fit life at one stage and then don’t if something in life changes. I’ve been using one app for about four years on and off and it’s the one I keep coming back to so I’ll explain what I love, like, dislike and hate about it. Read on and then drop me a line on what you use and why.
