I think my weeds are trying to kill me

I wish my weeds were this pretty. Our home backs up to what I refer to as a “jungle”. My husband says it’s just an unmanicured lot. Whatever! When foxes and dear and a freaking bobcat have been seen back there it’s a jungle in my book. All that’s missing are the monkeys.

Suddenly I’m having watery eyes and an itchy cough. I haven’t had allergies in years. Lucky me. It looks like this is my year to get hit with something. I could just have a cold or something but I don’t think so because it’s been over a week and really all I have is an itchy throat that makes me want to cough for relief, but just a little clear-it cough, very little congestion and swollen eyes so bad it’s making me think I need to nap all day even though I’m not the slightest bit tired. I mean it. My eyes look like Lisa Rinna’s lips.

I checked the weather.com pollen forecast and weed pollen is really high. Lovely! A little research and I’m now drinking Apple Cider Vinegar with honey in hot water until I can get to the store for some Zyrtec. I know there are a lot of meds on the market but I picked this one because it was the one that actually had a site with information about weed allergies (per below).

As soon as the eye swelling is under control enough that I can apply at least some basic makeup to prevent people thinking Halloween came early this year I’ll head to Walgreens. The Zyrtec better work or I’ll be back to zing them! I haven’t slept in 3 days because I keep waking up to let out one little cough ALL night. I’m cranky and tired and I need some relief.

Learn about weed pollen and how you can manage this powerful allergy trigger. Find out where it is found and what to watch out for.

Source: Weed Pollen Allergies – Allergy Guide™ | ZYRTEC®

Note To Self #11: Uncle Billy and the Beauty Queen…

When you think up something genius to say but it’s late and you’re headed for bed memo it, write it down, email it to yourself, something. For heaven’s sake don’t forget it.

Brilliant thought NOT executed…

Me: “Dad, I have some bad news. Your grandson is channeling his Great Uncle Billy…. He’s dating a beauty queen.” Trust me, if you knew my family you’d totally get why that’s priceless but is that the way I delivered the news – of course not.

UGGGG! Why does the funniest stuff only take place in my head????? Seriously I’m way funnier in my own head.


Woohoo I’m not Little…

Ok so I’m 5’2″. I’ve always thought of myself as normal and then as an adult it move from normal to slightly shorter than normal and as I have aged I am now also slightly wider than normal as well. And then I came across this story so I had to check. Do I qualify as “little”? Thankfully I do not. I mean no disrespect to little people. I’m just not a joiner so the less I fit into specialized a group the better.

Per the link in the story 4’10” is the little people cut off. But that’s not the crazyraisin_thompson part.

Apparently there are raisins that are broken down into groups and one of the groups is Midget Raisins. Who knew? Honestly I’ve never heard of midget raisins but they are a thing – for now. And little people are not happy about it. Seriously I can’t make this stuff up. Check out the full story here… midget raisins

*I also learned how to spell raisins. Didn’t know I didn’t know until I couldn’t get anything to pass the spell checker. How many words have that many I’s in such a short space????