Morning Chaos Commences

Fast forward to me in robe busting my butt sliding down our iced over ramp. Here’s what happened and it probably looked something like this…

The hubs is out of town. I needed a shower but put it off so long the night before that I decided to wait until morning, not wanting to sleep on wet hair. I get up and all is right with the world. I let the two cairn terriers out without issue. Our chihuahua is super old, almost completely blind, hard of hearing and his sniffer is starting to fail him. He was snoring so I decided to let him be. He freaks out beyond anything you can comprehend if he’s caged in any way so we just have a little bed next to the other dog’s crates for him. He gets up and wonders half the night so it’s no surprise to find him snoozing hard when I get the others up.


Introduction? Reintroduction? Or Whatever…

I can’t count the times I’ve said something like “I should write a book…” about this or that but mostly about being me living my life with my man. I know, sounds boring. No one wants to hear about you and your happy life {insert eyeroll here}. What most don’t know is that my man has been a juvenile diabetic since the age of three. What you see me posting on social media has always lacked the messy back end of our life.

While I know the story has merit and I have no doubt it could be really helpful to other people living through some of the struggles we have dealt with and continue to deal with, I seriously lacked the confidence to be the one to bring that story to life. My husband has always championed me and believed I can do anything I set my mind to and I say I believe that too but I really don’t or didn’t… until recently. (more…)