Why I’ll never wear my Vibrams again

It all started just over 5 years ago when Vibrams were all the rage. Get in touch with your caveman, barefoot walking self they said. It’s more natural they said. I did a lot of research and decided this was the perfect thing for me, especially since I liked to run on the beach. Barefoot and I’ll have cuts from all the shells but running shoes and I can’t go anywhere near the water. Vibrams – two birds one stone. I’m a genius. The people who invented Vibrams are geniuses. I drove to the only shoe store within 50 miles of me to find my size and start this awesomeness. I was so excited I actually posted a picture of me with them right then and there…

Vibrams 1-24-2010

Ok, let me step back just a little and explain all the hardware in my leg that first stopped my love of running. In 2003 just a few weeks before my birthday I was carrying a computer (obviously not a laptop) down the stairs in our house and missed the last step snapping my leg in three places. Yes, just missing the last step. When I do it, I do it right! Here I am in a wheelchair, high as a kite on some good painkillers the next day…

Jen Rog Doug Tracy

A couple of surgeries, 10 screws and a metal plate later I was walking again. Pavement running after that was a thing of the past – just way too painful on the hardware holding me together. When I found myself living near the beach a few years later running suddenly seemed like an option I could consider again.

Ok now back to the original story. So now I have my Vibrams and I’m on top of the world. This is going to be awesome. That day I just couldn’t wait for the next morning to go to the beach so I took them for a spin around the block on the pavement. Um, ya, bad idea. Wowza did that hurt. *Note to self: Cavemen didn’t have paved roads dumbass!* I hobbled back to the house having felt the rough texturing, every pebble, every rock and every imperfection in the road. It’ll be awesome on the beach though and on trails too, like at the park and stuff. I’m so jazzed about running again I can convince myself of anything at this point.

A couple of months passes and I have been loving my Vibrams for beach running, running at least 2-3 days a week. Now, when I say run what I really mean is speed walk with the occasional outburst of jogging. I used to be quite the little Speedy Gonzalez but ya that time has past and now I’m just happy to participate and smell the “roses” along the way (which translates loosely into taking excessive pictures of my dogs and the sunrise) while getting back into shape. 

Now’s when I get the brilliant idea to sign up for a Beach Bunny 5k Run. This is a run on Daytona Beach with shit tons of other idiots near Easter. I drag my husband along to photograph this (oh, I could write a whole other post on this man’s serious lack for photography skills, bless his heart). I’m totally jazzed. I’m in a late heat so I don’t have to start until 9am aka parking was a booger when we arrived since so many others were in earlier heats. The only shoes I had were the Vibrams so by the time we walk ON PAVEMENT from our parking spot to the starting area I’m already feeling it. Adrenalin’s pumping so I’ve got this I tell myself.

Line up, shoot the gun, and off we go. Within seconds I’m being left in the dust. There are only a few people with or behind me. Half mile in – what was I thinking? One mile in – what’s with this sand, it’s killing my feet. All of the other runners had pitted the hell out of the previously hard packed sand with their appropriate running shoes. At the turning point – I now only have 3 people behind me. One looks to be in her 80’s. One has some sort of brace on her leg and one lady is just enjoying the scenery. This is getting embarrassing. Still determine to power through and waiting for that surge of energy so I keep going. Now half way back and in the home stretch – there is no energy surge, just pain. What was I thinking? Why the hell did I sign up for this? Why would anyone think this is fun? What is wrong with me that I can’t do this? Why the hell didn’t I test out this beach before the race instead of just running my normal beach? …Oh, hey I can see my husband. He’s taking pictures. Shit, try to make you face not look like you’re dying. You’re almost done – thank god! ALL of the pics he took had his finger right over the lens. This was the only one that was salvageable…

Vibrams 04-2010

I finally make it to the finish line and I want to cry. Even the 80 something lady beat me. Only the lady in the brace was behind me and she was right on my tail. My ego has been completely destroyed. My feet are throbbing so bad I’m thinking about just chopping them right off. The hardware in my repaired leg is angry and I just want to go home. Oh but wait – it’s that the Chick-fil-a Cow.? I must have a picture with the cow…

Bunny Run

Ok picture with the cow – worth it. No, not  really but it was the highlight of the whole experience. Hobbling back to the car was fun and I did not run again for over a week.

So I know what you’re thinking. Other than not having a cushioned sole these Vibrams are great. Oh, I am sooo not done with this story yet.

Races are now out of the question. I’m just not going through that again. Back to the beach. Another year passes and the trouble begins. I’m developing some pain in my Achilles tendons. I’m prone to tendonitis in the elbows so I just chalk this up to DNA and power through. Another 6 months or so passes and I’m now very stiff in the mornings or anytime I sit for too long. I’ve cut back on the running but it doesn’t seem to matter. I’ve discovered that wearing heals seems to bring me some relief. This goes on until I decide I just can’t run anymore. I’ve spend a fortune on gorgeous heals, totally embracing that side of the issue. Next comes the weight gain and general bummed-out-ness. I can’t really call it depression because that seems like such a clinical term these days.

A few years passes, lots of rest that doesn’t seem to help, a trip to an Orthopedic surgeon that is followed by several physical therapy sessions that do very little to help, 2 new pairs of Vibrams and renewed efforts to freaking power through. Still nothing has helped.

Vibram 10-2012

Now I’m a hard core chunky monkey and I don’t even care (or so I try to tell myself as I’m chowing down on salt & vinegar chips). The stiffness is getting worse not better. I’ve tried fish oil and other supplements. I’ve tried magnets and other holistic remedies. I’ve gained enough weight that wearing heals is just downright uncomfortable. I don’t want to take anti inflammatory drugs constantly so I join a gym and buy some new cross trainer shoes. Maybe I can use the bike and the elliptical to get some cardio without the impact on the tendons??? It’s worth a try right! Plus, they have tanning and since I hobble every time I start the process of walking I’m just not getting out much so I’m not getting any sun. Now I’m golden brown – like a plump butterball turkey fresh out of the oven on Thanksgiving. I don’t weigh much less because the gym is boring. You stand / sit in one place and methodically go through the motions until you feel its been a respectable amount of time and done. Me, I’m more of a HIIT girl before HIIT was a thing. Before I broke my leg I only ran one mile a day and was in fantastic shape. I sprinted sections and walked when I could no longer sprint. It was very effective but breaking my leg took that from me.

I’ve reached the breaking point. I’m plump, yes but whatever. The real problem is that I have become weak. I have no energy, no stamina, no strength. I’m not old enough to shrivel up like this. Something’s gotta give. Back to the internet to research more and more and more about my tendon issues and study everything I can find about the Achilles specifically. There’s really not a lot out there. Everything lumps the Achilles in with Planters Fasciitis which doesn’t seem to be what I have BUT I finally came across a couple of mentions of walking barefoot on uneven surfaces and how this can strain the foot and especially the Achilles tendon. So let me get this straight???? This whole barefoot thing is the root of my problem? The Vibrams caused this???? I’ll never know if I would have developed Achilles problems even if I had been wearing more supportive shoes but I do know that I have finally found some relief. Remember that section about heals providing relief but getting heavy enough that they weren’t fun to wears? Well one day I got really fed up, folded up a sock and stuck in the heal portion of my cross trainer shoes. Now mind you, this was just so I could walk around the dam house, not go for a run. Low and behold, it actually helped. I ordered some inserts and as long as I wear the inserts I get some significant relief.

I have traded the majority of my high heels for some new running shoes. I’ve even found a pair that drain water and seal around the ankle for beach running. It’s only been a few weeks but I’m making progress and I’m thrilled. When I say I’m making progress I can take a speed walk with an occasional very short sprint a couple of times a week. The times in between I’m in recovery mode. I’m not sure my tendons will ever be normal and pain free but it’s a start.

And that is why I will never wear my Vibrams again!!

Book Review: Bitter is the New Black

I happened upon this author as a recommendationbitternewblack based on another book I read. I did a little digging and decided I should really check out her first book rather than the one recommended. That way if I liked the author I’d have a whole new series to read. Boy howdy was that a good idea. Bitter is the New Black started out a little slow for me. I was all – this chick is a B-word but I kept going figuring based on the title surely she was about to get her comeuppance and boy did she but by then I wasn’t relishing in her downfall. I’d come to really appreciate and even like her. I’m so glad I stuck it out. I ended up loving the book and have now read the second in the series. I’m looking forward to reading all the rest of them.

Available in Kindle, Paperback and Audible here: Bitter is the New Black