The other day I’d been in freak-out-over-looming-guests-mode (aka cleaning like a maniac because company was coming to stay for the holidays and I can’t just shove things behind a door and close it like I can for dinner guests). Anyhoo, idk like 3 hours of running from one end of the house to the other dusting, scrubbing, sweeping, moping, laundering and then I started to wash a few dishes. My phone bleeped and before getting my hands wet I thought I’ll give it a quick check to see what that was so I can wash dishes in peace. And there it was. That bitch had the nerve to tell me to “be more active”. Seriously? I mean I had the upbeat music cranking and the heart rate was definitely not in sedated/couch potato mode. That bitch has done this to me too ma
ny times. I think she’s trying to be motivational but I just want her dead. I mean like if I could pull her out of the phone and beat her with a big stick I soooooo would. But then again that bitch would probably just tell me I needed to do more, swing harder, be more ferocious, or some shit.
Bottom line: I must find and destroy this app before she destroys what’s left of my self esteem!!!