UPS Man and Mail Man – Are they friends or enemies??

I headed to the front door a few minutes ago thinking I’d recently heard the mail truck pass. He goes down our street on the other side first and then comes down our side so once I hear him pass it will only be a few more minutes until he gets to us. When I got to the door I could see that the UPS truck was parked at the neighbor’s house so I thought I had just heard him but then the USPS truck pulled up to the same house. This lady must do something from home in which receiving shit tons of packages is required. I don’t know her well. She’s basically a hermit best I can tell and rents so I just don’t see the point in trying to get to know her.


Anyhoo, as they are both at the same house at the same time a thought crosses my mind. Do they greet each other with a certain comradery? Are they looking at each other and thinking, yep he totally gets it, this person would totally understand how much I hate this house because I’m here constantly? Or are they more like the equivalent of two male dogs, both posturing that they are the masterful option stopping just short of whipping it out and marking their territory? Does the FedEx driving have a superiority complex over both since they are now dumping their shit work onto USPS.

Is it kind of like working for McDonald’s and hoping if you suffer here long enough you’ll be a shoe in for the next opening at Chick-fil-a? And if so, which one is the shit job? Is it USPS, UPS or FedEx? USPS has those great benefits. UPS drivers are usually kind of hot, although my current one is over the hill and wears a big straw hat. FedEx is probably just happy they don’t have to wear pooh-brown uniforms.

When you’re at a friend’s Christmas party and you find out Sally’s husband works for UPS and you immediate insist on introducing him to Janet’s husband who works for the post office like all my friends do to my husband when they find out he works in IT and so does Annie’s husband? Does this drive them nuts like it does my husband? Do they stand there attempting to make small talk with one another anxiously planning their escape?

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